Born into a family deeply rooted in the travel industry, Chris Dube has been captivated by the world's many landscapes and unique cultures all his life. This life-long connection has cultivated a deep passion for travel and a wellspring of over 30...
Born into a family deeply rooted in the travel industry, Chris Dube has been captivated by the world's many landscapes and unique cultures all his life. This life-long connection has cultivated a deep passion for travel and a wellspring of over 30 years of professional experience. However, his relationship with travel goes beyond mere profession, it is the pleasure of knowing that he plays an integral role in helping people form incredible memories that truly fuels his passion. Chris' areas of expertise cover many areas; from the Caribbean islands, Europe, Mexico, to Sandals and Beaches Resorts. Particularly, he is known for his tailored approach in Group Travel. His philosophy is clear – every dream vacation is unique. Hence, understanding each person's interests and preferences is at the core of his approach to providing enriching travel experiences. His ethics are just as deliberate; working only with trusted vendors and being accessible to his clients at all times to add value to their experiences.Finally, beyond the luxury and relaxation, Chris believes in the transformative power of travel. He articulates this power beautifully, saying, "If we weren't meant to travel, God would have made the world look the same in all four corners." Indeed, Chris sees travel as a sensory journey, opening our eyes to the remarkable beauty and diversity of our world.